Planning Studies and Research:

Aesthetic Regulation

What is “aesthetics”? What does the word “aesthetic regulation” mean to our communities and environment we live in? Does “aesthetic” promote public welfare? What is the purpose of appearance review ordinance? And if aesthetics are important, can they be protected by the United States Constitution? Or are aesthetics sufficient justification for the exercise of police power?

Planning for People

Clean walkways, illuminated sites, welcoming landscapes, seating areas, small outlets with outdoor settings, safe and comfortable environment – these are few techniques planners use to create a vibrant site. But, what are the tangible elements that make a place more interesting and vibrant than the other? And how can we enhance a place that lacks those elements?

Morrisville Borough

A detailed study of a community, forecast its future, and a recommendations on economic and community development based on the study.

Is 1700 Block N. Vine St. A Parked Investment?

A paper that looks at a prime site in downtown philadelphia and proposes a comprehensive planning approach to address all the gaps in the city as a whole.